For many, cooking a pizza without an oven is thought to be impossible. But with the right equipment, you can create a wonderfully cheesy, crispy pizza in minutes. In this blog post, we’ll discuss how you can make a delicious pizza without the use of an oven. We’ll cover the equipment and ingredients you’ll need, as well as the step-by-step process for making a delicious pizza. From the dough and the sauce to the cheese and the toppings, you can make a pizza that rivals those from the best pizzerias. So, if you’re looking for a way to make pizza without an oven, this blog post is for you!
1. Gather the ingredients and a skillet
Gather all the ingredients you need to make your pizza. This includes the dough, sauce, cheese, and any other toppings you want.
Make sure you have a large skillet or frying pan that can fit your pizza. Make sure the skillet is heat-proof and can handle the heat of cooking a pizza.
If your skillet is not heat-proof, you’ll need to use a separate dish for your pizza. Gather all the ingredients in one place so you have everything ready to go.
2. Spread the dough in the skillet

How to cook a pizza without an oven (Skillet and Grilling Methods)
Once you have mixed your dough and have it ready to go, it’s time to spread it in the skillet. Start by lightly greasing the skillet with some oil or butter.
Then, take a handful of dough and place it in the center of the skillet. Using your fingertips, spread the dough out in a circular motion until it evenly covers the bottom of the skillet.
Make sure the dough is thin enough so that it can cook through. If needed, add a bit more dough to the edges of the skillet to ensure it’s completely covered.
3. Spread the tomato sauce over the dough
The next step in the process of making a delicious pizza without an oven is to spread the tomato sauce over the dough. It’s important to take your time with this step, as you want to make sure the sauce is spread evenly across the dough.
Start off by spooning a few tablespoons of the tomato sauce onto the center of the dough and then use the back of the spoon to spread the sauce outwards in a circular motion.
Keep adding more sauce until the entire surface of the dough is covered and then use a spoon to evenly spread out the sauce.
4. Add the cheese and other toppings
Now it’s time to add the cheese and other toppings. Start by sprinkling a generous amount of shredded mozzarella cheese over the entire pizza.
Then, add any other toppings that you like. Try to keep them light, since the pizza will be cooking quickly and you don’t want anything to burn. Once all the toppings are added, it’s time to put the pizza into the air fryer.
5. Place a lid over the skillet
Once the pan is heated on medium-high heat and the pizza is placed in the pan, the next step is to place a lid over the skillet. This will trap the heat and help the pizza cook evenly.
Ensure the lid is not too tight, as the pizza will expand as it cooks. Also, be sure to check the pizza often, as it can easily get burnt or overcooked.
6. Cook over medium heat for 8-10 minutes
Once the dough has been prepared, it is time to start cooking the pizza. Heat a large skillet over medium heat and lightly oil it. Place the pizza dough in the skillet, and cook for 8-10 minutes, flipping the dough periodically to ensure that it cooks evenly.
This will create the crust of your pizza. Once the crust is golden-brown and cooked through, remove it from the skillet and set aside.
7. Flip the pizza and cook for an additional 8-10 minutes
After your pizza has been cooking for 8-10 minutes on one side, it’s time to flip it over. To do this, place a large cutting board over the skillet and hold it firmly in place. Quickly flip the skillet over so the pizza is now resting on the board.
Then, carefully slide the pizza back onto the skillet to cook the other side. Cook for an additional 8-10 minutes, then remove the pizza from the skillet. Enjoy your perfectly cooked pizza without an oven!
8. Enjoy your pizza!
Now that your pizza is ready, it’s time to enjoy it! If you’re using a skillet, you can cut it into slices and eat it right out of the pan.
If you’re using a pot, you can carefully remove the pizza, slice it up, and eat it on a plate. No matter what you’ve used to cook your pizza, it’s sure to be delicious.
Don’t forget to savor every bite and appreciate your hard work. Congratulations, you’ve made a delicious pizza without an oven!
In conclusion, making pizza without an oven is not only possible, but it can be surprisingly delicious! With a little bit of creativity and the right ingredients, you can make a delicious pizza that tastes just as good as one cooked in an oven. Plus, the added bonus of being able to cook pizza on a stovetop makes it an even more appealing option for busy people who want to enjoy a delicious pizza without all the hassle of preheating an oven.
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